



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Creator and Sustainer of universe and all that exist in it, the One Who guides whom He wishes and misguides the one He wishes with His justice. May His peace, blessings, and salutations be to the Noble Prophet and the best of creature Muhammad (S.A.W.), his households, companions and all those who follow their footsteps with good deeds until the day of judgments.


This research work centers on the effects of modern games on Muslims’ youths in Gwandu Local Government.

Islam is a complete way of life which provides guidance in all aspects of human life be it social, political, economic, and religious or any other aspect of human life one may think of. In line with these provision of the lawful and unlawful things was made for the goodness mankind in both here now i.e world and hereafter.

Modern games happened to be under unlawful things as it will be pointed out by the Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet (S.A.W.) as well as the major opinions of the scholar’s i.e Qiyas. Most of the modern kinds of games were created for competitive purposes and distraction of peoples’ attention for or against. In respect to this, these modern games created by the western world were aimed at diverting people particularly the Muslims from their important daily routines essential to their lives. But to some people their establishment is of great importance due to their creation of physical fitness as if the people before their emergence suffered from their deficiency.

These games include football, lawn tennis, table tennis, volleyball, snooker, among others .All these games are mostly being played along the streets of cities, towns, and villages in our localities and in the course of carrying out these games people are occupied to the extent they neglect their daily routines like going to the Islamiyyah schools in the case of our younger ones or refusing to perform their prayers at stipulated times and procedures; thus affecting their future carrier as well as exposing them new culture of nudity by their dress code.

For us to know how their effect may be to the Muslim youths, we need to give a glance to some of these modern games and how they are played…..